Delivery Information
How we make sure you receive our 100% freshness and quality assurance…
FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OVER £45 * We are no longer accepting orders for Christmas! Thank you so much*
The order cut-off moment is every Wednesday at 10.00 AM. DHL aims to deliver your package the next day.
Step 1
It all begins with a beautifully strong and recyclable box, which we fill up with the finest straw to ensure your delivery is protected and temperature sealed for quality and freshness.
Step 2
Where then afterwards we add an ice-pack (which are reusable). They will keep the temperature controlled and fresh for when it arrives at your door.
Step 3
Now we add your selection of amazing cheeses, all vacuum packed and sealed.
Step 4
The last and most important step, is our delivery to you. Here we make sure everything is in tip top shape before DHL take over.